Home page " Products " Turnkey stations " SCHEIDT SYSTEM NEK
Completely in your element
Not walk-in stations, Element construction with Basement (NEK)
With the SCHEIDT SYSTEM NEK, you are opting for a non-accessible prefabricated reinforced concrete building in prefabricated construction with a basement. The advantages are obvious, as you can use your prefabricated station for a wide range of purposes. In addition, the construction method is cost-effective and the space required is small. The prefabricated construction of the transformer station also allows the wall height to be adapted to the various transformer sizes and thus to match the bending radii of the cables.

Data on Scheidt System NEK
- Stations for energy supply, pumping stations, gas control stations, converter and transfer stations for railway operations, buildings to house control and signalling systems
Structure and design
- Reinforced concrete elements: Compressive strength class C35/45
- Element construction without construction joint (manufacture in a casting/bell moulding process)
- Hipped or mono-pitched roof-like 100-130 mm thick reinforced concrete slab, bolted to the building structure from the inside
- Individual elements made of reinforced concrete C 35
- With intermediate concrete floor, welded for protection in accordance with static specifications
Intermediate floor
- 16 cm thick reinforced concrete
Cable basement
- Monolithic, produced without a construction joint in a single operation
- Highest possible oil tightness without additional coating
- Construction prevents seepage and water penetration
- Frost-proof earthing
Options and equipment
- Different door and ventilation grille sizes
- Provided natural ventilation, if required: forced ventilation (wall/roof fan)
- Oil collection surface with additional oil-resistant coating
- Sealing of the basin with WHG-approved system
- Sealing systems from various certified manufacturers (for cable and pipe penetration)
Structure assembly/composition
- Carried out in the factory/extraction of the assembly: on site
It was my vision to play in the premier league in the station market. We have succeeded, because our products really have what it takes.

Further turnkey stations

Walk-in stations with basement

Walk-in stations without basement

Non-walk-in stations in cell construction